Meeting with Mrs Florence Parly, Minister of Armed Forces

Picture of By Communication team
By Communication team

Just one year ago, at the launch of the MMT project, Arnault Ioualalalen, CEO of Numalis, met with the Minister of the Armed Forces.

Monday 16 March 2018 marked the launch of the Man Machine Timing project. The kick-off of this event organized in Saint-Cloud within Dassault Aviation headquarters and to which Numalis was invited, was an opportunity for Arnault Ioualalen, co-founder of the Montpellier start-up, to discuss with the Minister of the Armed Forces, also present.

Presentation of the company, its activities and actions in synergy with the programme for the future of the armed forces were some of the topics discussed during this quality interview.

“The Ministry of the Armed Forces will be more than ever in support of research. We will launch studies wherever it can help our military,” she said that day.

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