At the term of a nation-wide selection of projects undertaken by young PhDs, the AEF and a jury of industry representatives award Numalis.
On March 21st 2014 took place in Paris the 7th edition of the University – Business Meeting, an annual meeting of the higher education, research and industry actors. These meetings, organized by the AEF group, have awarded for the first time this year the best business initiatives of young PhDs and PhD students.
After a national selection of 10 finalist business creation projects, the AEF and a jury of industrialists awarded the young start-up Numalis for its project on improving the accuracy of computer programs. Based on research conducted in the computer laboratories of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia and the LIRMMM in Montpellier, Numalis offers the first automatic tools allowing the detection and correction of digital programs errors.
Represented by Arnault Ioualalen, Numalis was able to convince that its project and its team were able to bring its innovation to a very large number of industrialists in strategic fields such as aeronautics, aerospace, energy, finance and defence. Thus, the research and development engineers of these large industrial groups will be able to rely on a set of reliable tools that automatically and quickly improve the accuracy of computer programs.