During his live interview on the Tech & Co programme presented by Stephane Pedrazzi on the set of BFM Business with Thomas Sabatier, Arnault IOUALALEN, CEO of Numalis, represented the French Tech Méditerranée and particularly the Defence Committee, which he initiated. It was also an opportunity to talk about the concrete actions put in place in the Occitan region to support the development of trusted artificial intelligence.
These actions include:
The federation, under the IA Méditerranée banner, of various institutional players and local experts, such as La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, academics and entrepreneurs, which serve as a basis for exchanges.
LSetting up a controlled environment that fosters innovation, facilitates the development, testing and validation of AI systems, similar to those set up by the European Commission, known as ‘regulatory sandboxes’, hosted at CINES and coordinated by MESO@LR at the Université de Montpellier.
This managed environment, hosted in France on our servers in Montpellier, has a number of advantages. First and foremost, it is sovereign, guarantees data integrity, and enables AIs to be developed, tested and monitored to validate their reliability and compliance with regulations such as the RGPD or the EU AI-Act, so that these systems can be adopted with complete trust.
Watch the replay: https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/replay-emissions/tech-and-co/french-tech-numalis-tolk-ai-13-06_VN-202306130935.html