Numalis joins the Convoy (ClOud iNtelligent explosiVe detectiOn sYstem) project 

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By Communication team

Major milestone in European defense innovation

Numalis joins forces with GMV and other leading companies to develop a multi-sensor, multi-platform system for enhanced explosive threat detection.

Focus: Detect, recognize, and avoid/neutralize improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and landmines using drones, robots, and AI.
Funding: €4.9 million from the European Defence Fund.
Consortium: 10 partners from 5 European countries, including Numalis.
Technology: Cloud-based AI, 8 sensor types, drones, unmanned ground vehicles, manned ground vehicle.
Goals: Improve detection accuracy, enhance soldier safety, adapt to evolving threats.

Numalis is proud to be part of this groundbreaking project, contributing to advanced solutions for safer critical environments.

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